A school PTA, Parent Teacher Association, is a school-based organization which enhances the mission to make the school a better place for children to learn. It improves healthy communication between schools and homes, help with fundraising, and plays an active role in making the school a safe, orderly environment for learning.
A Parent Teacher Association is the part and parcel of an institution. Many of the parents volunteer to join in with PTA activities at their ward's school working hand to hand with academic and co-curricular activities of the school, giving their time and energy to fundraising and working in partnership with the school.
Our school has feathered with an efficient PTA body. Their suggestions and support to improve the academic ambiance of our school are beyond words. Our PTA consists of 28 executive members including teachers and parents. They always involve in all the social and academic activities for the institution's well-being. Our PTA also serves as a helping hand to the poor and needy students by providing them with TV, mobiles and other study materials for their educational purposes at this pandemic situation.
Most of our PTA members are the alumni of this school which had helped them to handle diverse situations quite comfortably. It is a true fact that our PTA is very efficient and inevitable for the overall development of the school. We cannot forget the selfless service rendered by our honourable PTA members